Capoeria Brasil Hong Kong. GCBHK.簡介 我們是香港和中國第一間的巴西戰舞學校,分別設有兒童班、青少年班、成人基礎課程、中階課程和進階課程。透過不同的課程,學員可感受到熱情澎湃的活力和巴西戰舞獨有的懾人魅力,更可考取專業導師資格。 香港巴西戰舞學校的首席導師 Formando Chumbinho 自1994年起於澳洲悉尼跟隨來自巴西里約熱內盧的巴西戰舞大師Mestre Peixe Ensaboado訓練達16年之久。2005年來港致力推動巴西戰舞的活動發展,希望能將巴西戰舞的熱情文化帶到香港和中國大陸等地。 Formando Chumbinho同時亦相信,巴西戰舞是一種能跨越國界、膚色、種族和性別的運動,並沒有任何條件限制去規限任何人去參與巴西戰舞這項精彩的運動。 基礎課程 本課程是卡波耶拉的總初學者。它往往是人們一種誤解,認為卡波耶拉是一個困難的運動打,但是,這不是真相。隨著基礎課程您將學習卡波耶拉步驟所有基本動作一步。這將幫助你了解自己的運動,並在同一時間他們背後的基本面您將享受一個健康的鍛煉,可以改善你的體能和力量,協調和信心。基礎課程運行了8屆8週以上。 請到 了解更多。 Mission: To bring the essence of Capoeira and culture of Brazil to the people of Hong Kong. The first Capoeira academy in Hong Kong and China located in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon area Hong Kong SAR. In our studio you have the chance to learn Capoeira from the beginner level through to becoming Instructors. Even those with no experience can join, get fit and have fun in a friendly atmosphere. The head teacher in Hong Kong, Formando Chumbinho, started training Capoeira in Sydney Australia in 1994 under Mestre Peixe Ensaboado from Rio de Janeiro Brazil. It is Chumbinhos’ vision to bring Capoeira to all people in Hong Kong and China from all social classes and ethnic backgrounds. It is his belief that Capoeira can cross any boundary that people may imagine to exist, social class, ethnicity and gender. There exists no boundary that can stop any single person from being able to enjoy playing Capoeira. Foundation Course It is often a misconception of people that Capoeira is a difficult sport to play, however, this is not the truth. With a Foundation Course you will learn all the base movements of Capoeira step by step. This will help you learn the movements themselves and the fundamentals behind them at the same time you will be enjoying a healthy workout that can improve your fitness and strength, coordination and confidence. A Foundation Course runs for 8 sessions over 8 weeks. Please visit for further details


1/F, Tshun Ngen Building, 43 Hillwood Road, Tsim Sha Tsui