Club Edge Hong Kong簡介 Each of us wants to be free, happy, and healthy. Club Edge Hong Kong is created as a result of this inspiration. It provides me a platform to help you build strength and confidence through Pilates, yoga, aerial fitness, and wellness living. We provide personal training with tailor-made programs targeting individual needs and goals. We also provide group classes for fun or corporate team building. We also provide kids classes for body awareness development. Working on ourselves is a lifelong practice. If we keep working, we will be rewarded by the benefits that we would never imagine we could receive. So, come experience this eye widening change in you with me! ” 我們活着, 都渴望自由, 健康, 和快樂! 飛翼瑜珈就是為此成立的。通過普拉提核心床, 瑜珈, 或空中運動, 幫助我們訓練肌肉, 治療背痛, 減壓, 及舒緩情緒。 我們提供個人目標訓練, 小組, 或企業團隊訓練。另外, 也有小童空中瑜珈課程, 給予孩子空間,有效發展身心 。 自身鍛鍊是人生一輩子的功課。只要我們努力堅持, 生活會變得意想不到的精彩。相信自己, 你是可以改變的! {“@context”:””,”@type”:”Product”}