Ray’s Muaythai Gym 剛嵐泰拳健體中心簡介 Ray’sMuaythaiGym成立15年,其間培訓出大量出色泰拳運動員,成立目標為致力推廣泰拳運動予各不同階層及年齡之人士,泰拳運動以攻擊快、狠、準、勁見稱,並加上訓練過人的反應及清晰的腦筋,使泰拳運動在世界格鬥擂台上屹立不倒,並逐漸推廣到全世界。 本中心創辦Ray師傅,習泰拳超過20年,除調教出無數泰拳界精英運動員外,更將原本艱深的泰拳運動,經鑽研改良後,使學員更能容易了解當中奧妙,並透過其專業知識,更能把泰拳的瘦身功效帶給學員。 Ray’s Muaythai Gym was founded 15 years, during the years, it has training huge number of excellent Muay Thai athletes. Our object is promoting Muay Thai for various people from different segments and ages. Muay Thai is well known as relentless, accurate and powerful, after training, it could improve the extraordinary response and clear minds which result Muay Thai could stand firmly in the fighting ring and gradually extended to the universal. The founder Ray master, learning Muay Thai over 20 years. Based on the knowledge and experience, master Ray study the improvement of the originally difficult, he provides tuning the numerous Muay Thai athletes, and more the students more easily to understand. By going though the professional advice, students could benefit more efficiency training. Ray’sMuaythaiGym剛嵐泰拳健體中心,本中心位於旺角太子區,鄰近太子地鐵站,於太子地鐵站A出口步行至本中心只需2分鐘,附近交通方便,並鄰近旺角花墟市場,靜中帶旺。    


Flat D-E, 2/F, Kenwood Mansion, 15 Playing Field Rd., Mongkok, Kowloon