Motion House簡介 We help you see what you are really capable of and...
The Way. Combat – 格鬥.址簡介 T.W.C 只是一個為習武而設的簡約地方,歡迎熱愛武術運動,喜歡挑戰自己之人仕加...
香港龍心體藝協會 Hong Kong Dragon’s Heart Art & Sport Assn簡介 香港龍心體藝協會成立於1...
富德拳館 Fu Tak Gym (灣仔)簡介 八十年代,江富德是香港泰拳及搏擊運動的光輝歲月,而江富德早於七十年代赴笈英倫,參與當...
Action Sport Academy簡介 Action Sports Academy is a premium private...
Fight Club簡介 Fight Club Ltd is a registered limited Company in Ho...
Nitro Muay Thai簡介 Located in Kwun Tong (觀塘). Nitro Muay Thai offe...
Phoenix Fight Club簡介 Located on the border of Central and Sheung ...
Boxing For Fitness簡介 Boxing for Fitness is a team of freelance Pe...