【Yoga生活】5個你不能不follow的 ig瑜伽達人

【Yoga生活】5個你不能不follow的 ig瑜伽達人





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Make someone smile everyday, but never forget that you are someone too. 😉💗 . 📸: @jasperyoga

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Ageism is a real thing in the world, and even more for women. I’ve been told by brands that I’m too old to represent them. I’ve been called out as just a random 40-year old woman, as though my age made me irrelevant. Well, let me tell you something—age is coming for us all. If the value of a women is only related to her youth, then I’m sorry to say that is the essence of misogyny. Women can participate in women-hating culture, consciously or unconsciously. Watch your thoughts about age and see if you find yourself viewing older men as wise and older women as irrelevant. In the spiritual path of yoga, time is the one thing that cannot be rushed. Some levels of realization takes years, and decades of experience to unfold. Youth is, after all, wasted on the young. When we start valuing wisdom, kindness and generosity more than hot, young, flexible bodies then we will have done our work to evolve humanity just a little. _ Last day of #yogadrillschallenge is Urdhva Dhanurasana. Full length practice on @omstarsofficial Short tutorial on YouTube. _ #yoga #yogi #ageism #ashtanga #backbend #urdhvadhanurasana #miamiyoga #kinoyoga #omstars Outfit @liquidoactive Photo @ifilmyoga 🙏

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